Exponentia collaborates on the creation of the first NFT of a falla
Álvaro Latorre||Blockchain|1 min read

Exponentia has collaborated with two Valencian startups Baukunst Patrimonio Virtual and Valua Crafting Horizons, to create the first NFT of a Fallas related monument, the first tokenized falla.
Baukunst and Valua thought about how to digitally preserve the Fallas and Exponentia has cooperated to make the project a reality. Moreover, Criptoproyectos, specialized in digital economy and crypto assets, and Innova.Legal, a “think tank” focused on the revitalization and study of technological and innovative projects that are particularly complex at the legal level, have also participated.
The creation of this digital asset has made it possible to immortalize forever, not only the falla, but also the memory and identity by recording the experiences linked to the asset, such as virtual tours or explanatory videos of the artist.
The NFT of the falla will be auctioned and, even if it becomes private property, there will be a viewing and consultation platform where any person or group will have access to this content with different layers of information.
Tradition and innovation join forces so that such an important asset for Valencia, just like the fallas, finds a way to remain in time.
More information: Falles Digitals